Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Greedy politicians

Time has come to get rid of these people. How can they justify this level of insensitivity and greed to our people. Why should I pay tax when the money I earn is a very small fraction of what these politicians earn, from tax payers money. Remember some of this guys even have business that get preferential treatment when it comes to tenders, they have property etc. It seems that these people did not follow the Obama campaign closely. One of Obama's promise to his people (Americans), is to reduce tax to all working individuals who earn less than U$ 250000.00 which is about 95% of the working population in that country. In Kenya the '5%' that earn exorbitant incomes are exempted from taxation. These is a clear indication of lack of conviction to be exemplary as leaders. One way Kenya would develop is to collect more taxes from Kenyans especially from those employing themselves, who are not motivated to pay taxes because of poor management and accountability of public funds. I call upon the MPs to read the signs of time. Please see this:

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